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Existing Conditions Reports 

As part of Phase II of the 2026 Comprehensive Plan update, the Planning Team has prepared several existing conditions reports that provide important information on a variety of subjects. These documents will be used to inform decision making during the planning process. Copies of the corresponding presentations have also been uploaded. If you have any questions regarding this information or would like staff to provide your group or organization with a presentation, please contact the Planning Department at or 804.501.4602.

​*The presentations linked below denoted with asterisks are a combined presentation containing information about the Market Assessment Report, Housing Assessment Report, Housing Nexus Support Study, and the Summary Trends Report.

2024 Recreation, Parks, and Open Space Master Plan + Presentation

On September 24, 2024, the Henrico County Board of Supervisors adopted the 2024 Recreation and Parks Master Plan. This document replaces the 2015 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan that was incorporated into the Vision 2026 Comprehensive Plan, as part of Chapter 9. The Recreation and Parks Master Plan was adopted as an amendment to the 2026 Plan and will be incorporated into the 2045 Plan as an appendix.

Built and Natural Environment Existing Conditions Report + Presentation*

This report provides a summary of growth trends over the last two decades, an analysis of current land uses, a description of current housing statistics, a summary of environmental features and conservation areas, as assessment of land development status, and a comparison of existing land use policies with zoning regulations.


Market Assessment Report + Presentation*

This document includes an examination of residential market influences including population growth trends and projections, household size, income trends, and migration/commuting patterns. A review from a residential/labor force perspective incorporates indicators such as educational attainment, age cohorts, income levels and consumer spending habits. It also contains an employment base/non-residential land use evaluation that includes changes in employment by sector, indirect economic impacts, and trends in employment location and commuting patterns.

Housing Assessment Report + Presentation*

This report is an inventory of existing housing conditions. It focuses on housing supply, affordability and cost factors, housing needs by income segments, and evaluating gaps in housing capacity. It contains information on housing types, owner/rental status, vacancy rates, average age, size, number of bedrooms, median home values, median rent paid, household income and mortgage/rent cost burden.

Housing Nexus Support Study + Presentation*

This study examines the connection between non-residential development and housing demand. It assesses income levels by occupation type and industry, the type and cost of housing necessary to support those industries/jobs and identifies the connection between the demand for and supply of different housing types and price points with attention to affordable and workforce housing.

Summary Trends Report + Presentation*

This report updates select data from the Housing and Market Assessments as well as the Housing Nexus Support Study and identifies shifts in trends between the documents. As all of the documents represent a snapshot in time, we will continue to monitor and incorporate new information throughout the remainder of the Plan Update.

Combined Presentation for Rec/Parks, Sociodemographic, and Transportation Reports
Recreation and Parks Existing Conditions Report 
Sociodemographic Existing Conditions Report 
Transportation Existing Conditions Report 

Other Documents


The 2026 Comprehensive Plan adopted on August 11, 2009 replaced the 2010 Comprehensive Plan as the official comprehensive plan for Henrico County. The HenricoNext planning process will update the 2026 Comprehensive Plan.

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