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What is HenricoNext?

HenricoNext is the planning process to update Henrico County's Comprehensive Plan. A comprehensive plan is a long-term guide that expresses the values and aspirations of a community. It is the broadest public policy document a community can create for its future physical development considering the input of citizens, businesses, and other stakeholders. It includes a vision statement about the future condition of the County; goals and desired outcomes for each of the plan topics; objectives to measure progress on a goal; and actions to achieve the goal. The plan is a tool to prepare for and manage change. It acts as a guide for decision-makers. The plan is not a legally binding document, but it can serve as a foundation for budgeting decisions, zoning ordinances, land development regulations and more.

Why does Henrico County need a comprehensive plan?

This planning process allows us to work together as a community to make our great County an even better place in the future.  By planning for our future, we can achieve our County’s vision and mission of providing quality services to our citizens at a reasonable cost and planning our growth so that there are abundant opportunities for all. The last Comprehensive Plan was completed in 2009. It is now time for Henrico County to develop a modern plan that reflects existing conditions and current trends as well as the ideas of the community. In order for the Comprehensive Plan to remain a relevant, living document, the Code of Virginia (§ 15.2-2223) requires that local governments update comprehensive plans. HenricoNext will satisfy this requirement.

How can I get involved?

By joining your neighbors in shaping how Henrico County will continue to prosper for future generations you are being good stewards of our community. We need to hear everyone’s voice so that all perspectives are heard and considered. It is the goal of this plan that it reflect all the people that call Henrico County home. Anybody that cares about the future of Henrico County will be able to participate and contribute their ideas and insight. There will be multiple public engagement opportunities throughout the planning process where the community can share their ideas and provide input. More information will be available soon, in the meantime, sign up to receive email updates about the process and to learn about opportunities to participate. Also, see the Get Involved page for future events and news.

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