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Henrico County has changed significantly since the current 2026 Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2009. There are more people and more homes for residents. There are also more places to shop, dine, and recreate; and more businesses and jobs in the County. The 2026 Plan has guided decisions on development approvals and public investments in our community. Looking to the future, we want to build upon the County’s strong foundation of planning and envision the next twenty years of Henrico County.

Through the comprehensive planning process, Henrico County seeks to:  

  • Provide several safe and fun opportunities for residents to share their ideas and values to help shape development of the new comprehensive plan;


  • Identify and evaluate the new issues and opportunities that should be addressed in the new comprehensive plan;


  • Establish a cohesive vision to guide Henrico County over the next 20+ years;


  • Update goals and policies to ensure they reflect both countywide and area-specific priorities; and


  • Develop an actionable implementation strategy to achieve the vision.


Henrico County is a growing community with a diverse array of interests and ideas.  Ensuring that the updated Comprehensive Plan is reflective of both countywide and area-specific priorities will require extensive community input. Your feedback will help shape Henrico County’s future!

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